Pool Filter Cleaning – Cartridge Filters, DE Filters and Sand Filters
All the water in your pool passes through your Pool Filter, which catches and stops all the dirt and debris from getting cycled back into your clean swimming pool. No body wants to recycle old dirty water back into there pool so its very important to have your pool filters cleaned every few months to keep you from needing a pool filter replacement! Filters help remove debris, while pumps circulate clean, chlorinated water to all parts of the pool. If you have a dirty pool filter it cannot run efficiently, causing higher power bills and fast wear on your pool equipment which will typically cause more unnecessary pool repairs. Changing out a Pool filter is just as important as taking your car to get an Oil Change so the engine doesn’t blow. Getting regular pool cleaning is always a better option than having to replace especially when it comes to your pool filters.
There are 3 major filters based on your pool system. Cartridge Pool Filters, DE Pool Filters and Sand Filters all of which require attention a few times a year. When you clean your filters you are removing all the dirt and nasty stuff from its holding tank, untreated, eventually like a full vacuum bag you will just start to suck dirt from your pool only to push it around your pool system and right back into your pool.
Filtration units
Cartridge filters
Unlike Sand and DE filters, Cartridge filters do not need backwashing. Cartridge filters remove particulate down to about 8-10 microns in size. This is a great option for smaller family pools but not recommend for larger public pools. Most pools have a Cartridge Filter but we are seeing more and more pools move to other filtration options. This option is maintain and is easy to repair.
Diatomaceous earth – DE Filters
Some filters use diatomaceous earth to help filter out contaminants. Commonly referred to as ‘D.E.’ filters, they exhibit superior filtration capabilities. Often a D.E. filter will trap water-borne contaminants as small as 1 micrometer in size. Considered the best filtration system but the backwash function is a bit complicated and this system is not allowed in all counties.
In Salt Water Pools a pressure-fed filter is typically placed in line immediately after the water pump. The filter typically contains a media such as graded sand . A pressure fed sand filter is termed a ‘High Rate’ sand filter, and will generally filter turbid water of particulates no less than 10 micrometers in size. The rapid sand filter type are periodically ‘back washed’ as contaminants reduce water flow and increase back pressure. Indicated by a pressure gauge on the pressure side of the filter reaching into the ‘red line’ area, the pool owner is alerted to the need to ‘backwash’ the unit. The sand in the filter will typically last five to seven years before all the “rough edges” are worn off and the more tightly packed sand no longer works as intended.