Pool Maintenance Services in Scottsdale, Arizona and surrounding areas.
As a pool owner living in Phoenix, Arizona it is essential that you have a regular weekly cleaning in order to guarantee a Clear Brite Pool. By not using a swimming pool maintenance service you might end up with a pool that is cloudy, full of leaves, growing algae, dirty and turning green. As you know, here in Arizona the temperature is very hot during the summer months and it doesn’t take long before your pool can turn into something that you don’t want to get in. Our pool maintenance services insure that you always have a pool that you can enjoy year round. We offer a variety of pool services in Scottsdale, Arizona and surrounding areas.
Pool Maintenance – covers all pool services not related to Pool Repair.
Pool maintenance sounds simple but done correctly actually requires expert knowledge. It’s not just about skimming the pool and cleaning the filters. The pools chemistry balance must always be within a certain threshold. A healthy pool has to have the right combination of chemicals on a regular basis to keep the water clean, fresh and healthy. In addition to the correct chemicals and administering the correct tests to acquire this information there are other things that go along with keeping your pool clean.
It takes time and effort and it’s not something that you can just do in a few minutes every couple weeks. We have the expertise and experience needed to always keep your pool clean and inviting.
Pool Maintenance Services We Offer
We offer multiple pool maintenance services aside from regular weekly pool cleaning. We do Green Pool Clean ups if your pool has turned the dreaded green color from algae growing. You can also get Chemical Only Pool Service, this is where we just treat your water to make sure its chemically balanced and don’t also clean the pool of debris. If your pool has grim and dirt on the walls or floors we can do an Acid Wash or Chlorine Wash to get it back to looking new. Cleaning swimming pool filters is also something that we offer that should never be neglected.
Regular Weekly Pool Cleaning – When you have Clear Brite Pools handle your pool cleaning services you can rest assured the job will get done right. Our standard pool cleaning covers everything you need to keep your pool ready for use. When you get a pool cleaning from us we aren’t just cleaning your pool, we are maintaining your pool and keeping it in good condition. We recommend that you get weekly pool cleanings but we also offer other custom plans that can better suit your specific needs. Give us a call and lets set up a Free Consultation!
Green Pool Cleanup – No one wants to walk outside and see a Green Pool but unfortunately here in Phoenix it can happen very easily and when it does we are here to help! When your pool turns Green it is because Algae is taking over and growing. Each pool is different and requires an honest opinion as to the best way to solve the problem. If you call us before it gets to bad we might not have to drain the pool and can just treat the pool with chemicals and filter out all the algae over the course of a few days. If you have a bad Green Pool Algae problem chances are we will need to drain the pool, scrub the surface with a Chlorine wash or Acid Wash followed by refilling the pool water and bringing the chemical levels back to a ideal conditions. Don’t wait to get rid of your Green Pool, we have competitive prices with outstanding service to insure your pool is back to new in no time. Make sure to remember what time of year it is, you might not want to drain your pool in hotter months. We can explain when you call!
Chlorine Pool Wash - If your pool needs a Chlorine wash its gotten to the point where regular pool cleaning or chemical treatments won’t do the trick. We do a chlorine wash by draining the pool and scrubbing the exposed surface of the pool with a special Chlorine wash. This will release all dirt, algae and most stains leaving your pool looking like new again. It basically disinfects the pool of all contaminants. It is amazing how much better a dirty neglected pool looks after getting our expert Chlorine Wash for the swimming pool. It is not uncommon to get this treatment done once a year to keep your pool in perfect condition. Our company makes this process as harmless as possible for you, we work hard and get the job done fast.
Acid Pool Wash – An acid wash differs from Chlorine wash because it breaks down the outer layer of the pool surface and removes it, leaving what looks like a brand new surface. The Acid Wash is great for cleaning any stains from your pool and should not be done on a yearly basics or it will damage your pool. When your pool needs an Acid Wash you should make sure it done correctly. A skilled licensed professional needs to handle this job to insure proper safety and to get the desired effect. Ggive us a call and schedule a Free Pool Consultation.
Pool Filter Cleaning - One of the easiest ways to dirty your pool is by neglecting your pool filter. There are a few major filters in most pools today they are: DE pool filters, cartridge filters or sand filters. We specialize in all of these.
Salt Water Pools – Both salt water pools and traditional chlorine pools use chlorine to sanitize the water. The difference is that salt water pools use a chlorine generator to produce natural chlorine from salt by separating salt molecules into their component parts: chloride and sodium.
Why its important to get regular pool maintenance?
You might experience these pool problems with your pool.
- Cloudy pool water
- Staining of the pool surfaces
- Scaling
- Hard water
- Salty taste
- Algae growth
- Increased bacteria
- Accelerated wear on plaster/pebble tech
- Inability of chlorine to disinfect
Helpful Pool Cleaning Tools!
A skimming net is a pool mans best friend and a tool every pool needs. A pool skimming net allows you to remove all debris from the water, doing this on a regular basis can help keep your pool filter from getting clogged and extend its life. Skimming a pool only gets the water surface cleaned.
A Swimming pool vacuum is another essential if you have a pool in Arizona. The need for a pool vacuum goes up if you live around trees or get a lot of debris in your pool. Regular vacuum use saves time and keeps the water clean and clear.